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Pets Australia Develops Complete System for Disaster Support in the Australian Pet Industry

24th Oct 2013


Here’s what Pets Australia has done to help the Australian pet industry in the wake of the NSW bushfires. In short, we have set up a crisis management system that can be used by the pet industy for any crisis or natural disaster, at any time into the future.

Here’s how it works:

1. Pets Australia has set up a ‘pet industry networking in a crisis’ Facebook page – called Aussie Pet People Helping In Crisis – which will allow pet people to network, inform and assist other pet people. CLICK HERE to see the page.

2. Pets Australia contacted ALL pet businesses that we were aware were in trouble – whether they were members or not – to determine needs.

3. On being notified that there was a pet business who lost everything in the Heatherbrae fire, Pets Australia arranged donations of goods and services to help that person “get back on her feet”PA_map_eyes_letters_in_bightFINAL - Copy-1

4. Pets Australia has now set up the PET INDUSTRY BENEVOLENT FUND. This will be a pet industry owned fund that over time will raise funds to help people in the Australian pet industry with practical assistance in crisis, including grants, interest free loans and assistance in raising donations of goods and services. Separate Supervisors have been appointed to the fund. FIND OUT MORE ABOUT THE BENEVOLENT FUND HERE.

5. Fundraising activities are underway to develop a base for the Pet Industry Benevolent Fund. Pet Industry businesses (members and non members) will be asked to assist with donations and activities to help us get the fund working properly.

6. Pets Australia coordinated seamlessly with RSPCA, AWL and other groups by passing on offers of assistance with pet billetting and pet food etc donations, seeking emergency accommodation for pets and passing on information from these groups to the industry via the “crisis” page.

7. Pets Australia members can be proud that their industry group is leading the way to develop a full scheme to support pet industry businesses. We have deliberately NOT overlapped crisis assistance areas that other groups are doing well, eg RSPCA coordinating lost pets and pet supplies, Salvation Army looking after the needs of individuals with clothing, food and government assistance etc. This scheme will help pet business owners “get back on their feet” after a disaster by networking, coordinating and providing assistance. Your ongoing support of Pets Australia with your membership will continue to support this work.

DO YOU HAVE MORE IDEAS ON HOW WE CAN HELP? Reply below, or email us at petsaustralia@petsaustralia.org

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