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The Big issues – Animal Hoarding – not the same as Puppy Farms!

What’s the issue?

The media shows pictures of filthy conditions and sad, broken pets. Activists wrongly call them puppy farms, welfare agencies swoop and rightly prosecute the criminals. Courts hand out sentences & the cycle starts again. THESE ARE NOT PUPPY FARMERS, although they occasionally sell pets. They are animal hoarders. There are four kinds of animal Hoarders:

  1. those who rescue animals from euthanasia;
  2. those who believe they have a special ability to communicate with animals;
  3. those who need animals’ unconditional love;
  4. and pathologic altruists who literally “love their animals to death”hoarding

Caring for animals gives hoarders control, self-esteem, and a heightened sense of identity. When their caregiving capacity is exceeded the situation spirals out of control, leading to animal and self-neglect.

The media shows pictures of filthy conditions and sad, broken pets. Activists wrongly call them puppy farms, welfare agencies swoop and rightly prosecute the criminals. Courts hand out sentences & the cycle starts again,because there is a 100% recidivism rate. THESE ARE NOT PUPPY FARMERS, although they occasionally sell pets. They are animal hoarders. They are the people who “love animals to death”.

Animal Hoarders are people who need help. Read below for details. Pets Australia members can LOG IN for more information and photos on this issue, including where to go for more information and how to make your voice heard.

Where’s the science? Where’s the proof?

[Content protected for Passionate Pet Owner members only]


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