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13th Dec 2013

SEIZURES in Pets – What to Do…

All pet businesses see pets with seizures, so knowing what (more…)

11th Dec 2013

CLIENT EXPERIENCE – More Important Than Client Service!

Want to get an edge on your competition? Then think (more…)

11th Dec 2013

Understand Your Obligations for GUARANTEES, RETURNS, REPLACEMENTS

ACCC is energetically enforcing consumer law in relation to warranties (more…)

4th Dec 2013

Parvo Epidemic Still Going, Tick Cases in NSW High

Virbac,  a proud member of Pets Australia, allows Pets Australia (more…)

2nd Dec 2013

Are You Only Backing Up HALF Your Data?

Up to 95% of pet businesses are not backing up (more…)

2nd Dec 2013

Make Heaps More Money in Grooming!

Make money, and reduce “Disaster Clients” all at once with (more…)

25th Oct 2013

NEW GLOBAL Dog & Cat Nutrition Guidelines…


The Global Pet Nutrition Committee consulting group attached to (more…)

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