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17th May 2013

The Power of Music to Drive Pet Businesses

Music can make pet businesses healthier! Psychology shows conclusively that (more…)

17th May 2013

NEW! Legal update on Exclusion Clauses, Hiring, Contracts & Unfair Dismissal

ATO forces payment of holiday leave for casual staff, exclusion (more…)

17th May 2013

Workplace Bullying – New Laws, New Risks

Massive influx of bullying claims expected under new laws (more…)

7th Mar 2013

Slow Pet Business: How To Get Through Slow Patches

February’s generally a slow month and March is often not (more…)

5th Mar 2013

Death Rates ARE an Indicator of Animal Welfare?

Animal activists argue that measuring death rates is NOT a (more…)

4th Mar 2013

Aerobics USING Pets!

We’ve done ALL the exercises! (But no, we aren’t taking (more…)

4th Mar 2013

Get A Pet Sitter and Get Sued?

Get a pet sitter and you can be sued? YES! (more…)

4th Mar 2013

Giving Your ‘Flu to Dogs & Cats? New INFO!

Will you give your ‘flu to your dog this year? (more…)

4th Mar 2013

Get Serious About CATS

Cat ownership is clawing it’s way to the top. You’re (more…)

24th Dec 2012 2 Comments

Make Pet Surrender PAINFUL!

For too long, it’s been too easy to surrender a (more…)

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