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7th Jun 2013

Humans “Understand” Dogs…

We know dogs understand humans, but what about the reverse? A (more…)

23rd May 2013

Sexing Pets – A Buyers Guide.

Sexing birds, guinea pigs, rabbits, ferrets is a challenge, dogs (more…)

23rd May 2013

Regulating Cat Owners Will NOT Stop Euthanasia!

Unwanted cats are commonly admitted to animal shelters in large (more…)

23rd May 2013

Donkeys DO Have Friends…

Companion recognition in donkeys

Social pair-bonding and long-lasting preferences for (more…)

23rd May 2013

Hens Have No Friends…

Do hens have friends?

Our understanding of the social life (more…)

23rd May 2013

Should Pet Abuse/Cruelty Reporting Be Mandatory?

MEMBER COMMENT REQUIRED!    Should Vets Be Forced to Report Cruelty (more…)

23rd May 2013


Can more than 350 cases be called a major outbreak (more…)

23rd May 2013

Staff Induction & Communciation

Failing to induct staff properly can land you in trouble (more…)

23rd May 2013

Parental Leave: Q&A

New Parental leave issues are causing problems for members. EI (more…)

23rd May 2013

Overpaying Staff: A BIG Legal Problem

Retrieving money from overpayed employees legally is not as easy (more…)

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