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17th Mar 2014

The Root Of The Dangerous Dog Problem


Identifying the root of the dangerous dog problem in (more…)

17th Mar 2014 1 Comment

Flank Alopecia (Hair Loss) in Dogs

Canine flank alopecia (CFA) is a hair loss syndrome in (more…)

17th Mar 2014


New BARF tests have shown it is UNBALANCED in respect (more…)

14th Mar 2014

Pets on PLANES – Safe or NOT?

Do 21 pet deaths in 2013 makes planes safe for (more…)

14th Mar 2014

Fair Work Gives Bad Pay Advice for Grooming, Boarding

Kennelhands & Groomers pay rate confusion has been overcome by (more…)

14th Mar 2014

Pet Lawsuit Warning for Breeders/Retail/Shelters

 A recent legal case regarding DNA testing shows a real (more…)

13th Mar 2014

Biting Dog Kills 4 Year Old Girl – a Warning to All Shelters

Following the recent tragic death of a 4-year-old girl in (more…)

13th Mar 2014

NEW! Greenhounds Greyhounds Special Offer for Members!

A Sustainable Future For NSW Pet Greyhounds

Greenhounds is the (more…)

13th Mar 2014

The Good And The Bad Of Dog Harnesses

HARNESSES, the Good, the Bad and the Ugly…….    K9C /PA (more…)

13th Mar 2014

Mobile Groomers/Dog Washers – are you SAFE?

Mobile Dog Groomers – are you safe?

Did you know (more…)

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