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12th Jul 2016

Is BANNING Greyhound Racing the Right Thing?

The NSW Government’s decision to ban greyhound racing in NSW (more…)

5th Jul 2016

Ransomware Attacks Killing Pet Businesses

Message from our Loyal computer consultants: “In recent weeks we (more…)

5th Jul 2016

Breeders and Pet Shops:Beware Of Unfair Lawsuits!

Breeders need proper disclaimers and legal documents after yet another (more…)

5th Jul 2016

Simple Help for Clients to Buy

Phrasing a question right , also known as framing,  can (more…)

5th May 2016

Melted Pugs & Soggy Bulldogs: More On Why Brachy’s Don’t Like Heat!

We all know that those squashy-faced Brachycephalic dogs (eg Pugs, (more…)

2nd May 2016

Hydatids are NOT eradicated – here’s why you should be interested!

The Hydatid Tapeworm Echinococcus granulosis (NOT the regular tapeworm Dipylidium (more…)

5th Jul 2015

Pet Shops, Puppy Farms and Ministerial Madness – Update for Members

When zealots take over the government, animal welfare suffers…..

Updating (more…)

15th Dec 2014

Working with Bats/Flying Foxes? New Warning…

The risk from Lyssavirus may last years, not days, so (more…)

7th May 2014

Get Your Grooming Business Into the Media!

MEMBERS ONLY! A national magazine is looking for pet groomers (more…)

6th May 2014

The Tragic Outcome of Matted Coats..

feltedcat19FTRAnnettWhitelum - Copy2This photo shows the tragic result of benign neglect on (more…)

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