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10th Feb 2017

Model Rules for the Use Of Pets in Advertising

Following significant complaints from members about the use of animals (more…)

9th Feb 2017

Cat Panleukopaenia Epidemic – Vaccinate Now!

The following news release from University of Sydney highlights a (more…)

7th Feb 2017

Does the Boarding Sector Need More Regulation? Or Just Better Enforcement?

Another industry group is screaming for compulsory registration of Boarding (more…)

30th Jan 2017

How You Smile Drives New Business – Or Not!

Professional or Warm? Your Smile Can Change Perceptions Of Your (more…)

22nd Dec 2016

Parvovirus Outbreaks Across Australia!

Pet Businesses! Do 3 things to counter increased Parvovirus across (more…)

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