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“Member to Member” offers


Members networking with other members, OR helping other members to make a success of their business, is always good !

Members can offer other members discounts, additional services or other benefits to owners and businesses who subscribe to the Ethics of Pets Australia – “Better Pet Ownership, Better Pet Businesses”. Offer something to members and receive FREE advertising on this site. You can also buy additional advertising space and feature your logo, pictures and videos – just email petsaustralia@petsaustralia.org and we will arrange this for you.

“Member to Member” Offers



Muttmum deal for Pets Australia Members

muttmum is the “go to” hub for dog lovers, and they are offering Pets Australia members a deal on free advertising and web search  that gets NOTICED!muttmum

 Pets Australia members will get a premium services listing on muttmum – FREE for the first 6 months!  Premium services include list highlighting, sorting, home page “Top Listing” exposure and access to future premium listing functionality. 

 So you not only get free advertising, but you will also be seen when dog lovers search the Muttmum site.

 Is this an insanely generous deal for members!? Click here  to add the listing for YOUR business and don’t forget to add your Pets Australia members logo!


Pets First Choice has  a great deal for pet business members for Groomers, Retailers and Boarding businesses.

Pets First Choice is the distributor for the SPA and Tropiclean range of natural/organic shampoos, one of the top 3 brands used in the USA.

Pets First Choice also has a range of unique pet toys that are not available in supermarkets.

Please email orders@petsfirstchoice.com.au to receive an order form and brochure. View the full range at www.petsfirstchoice.com.au


Discounted Microchipping for NSW members!  NSW Animal Rescue is offering a new service: Microchipping of cats and dogs for just $20. Normally $30 each, or $25 for litters of 4 or more, NSWAR is extending this special deal just for Pets Australia members.

NSW Animal Rescue is a “special needs” rescue and adoption service for small dogs, and is a registered charity that can accept tax-deductible donations. They bring “back to life” those dogs that have been abused, neglected or abandoned. NSWAR is offering 5% off adoption fees to suitable owners. You must show your Pets Australia membership card at the time of adoption to receive this offer. Tell your staff!  Take a look at www.nswar.org.au and marvel over the dogs that are saved by NSW Animal Rescue.

HELP A GREYHOUND FIND A LIFE! A sustainable future for NSW pet greyhounds.   Greenhounds is the program in NSW to facilitate the muzzling exemptions for retired racing and pet greyhounds. Greenhounds is the sole NSW body authorised to manage and issue green collars under the Companion Animal Regulations. Toni Barnes from Paws 4 Effect is a trained assessor for Greenhounds and is now offering Pets Australia members who own Greyhounds and want to go for their GreenHound Assessment Test a 10% discount. Seniors and pensioner discounts are also available.   Talk to Toni on 02 9913 1170 or email her at toni@paws4effect.com.au

SAVE MONEY ON YOUR MEMBERSHIP!  Pets Australia is offering special deals for members who refer another business or pet owner to membership of Pets Australia. If you refer another pet business member you will receive $20 off your next membership renewal, if you refer a pet owner member you will receive $5 off your next membership renewal.  Make sure you tell them to  include your name on their form, otherwise we won’t know to apply your discount!


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